Twitter is one of the must-have social media accounts of today. Most of the people you know are faces behind Twitter handles or former owners of accounts. Twitter is not only an outlet for personal expression as many believe, but also, it is a source of news, a discussion place for new ideas, and a way to provide value to potential customers. Twitter is an excellent way to identify potential customers and then share with them.
For this reason, Twitter is one of the best online marketing platforms available. Especially for new businesses who want to build a name, Twitter is the place to find connections and shout out to an international audience that spans millions. However, while some entrepreneurs effectively utilize the power of the tweet, many don’t. They either overexpose themselves by tweeting too often, or by pushing products too hard. Twitter, as many experts note, doesn’t work within the confines of traditional marketing. It’s a place to socialize with the market, and become part of consumers’ lives.
8 Things that Entrepreneurs Should Tweet About
1. Industry updates
Information is power, and the Twitter community wants to follow the one who knows what’s going on. If your company’s tweets show you have a finger on the pulse what’s new in the industry, it becomes a trusted source of industry knowledge and many will take note of your quality, up-to-date products and services. Post news bits as often as you get them, and be the one who has the scoop. Updates don’t have to be purely technical, but can also be social updates.
2. Links
News articles on the industry aren’t the only things you can link to. Link to other media, such as blog posts, informative articles, and reviews. This gives others the impression that you’re an entrepreneur who not only knows what’s going on in the industry in general, but is also always on the lookout for little tips and tricks of the trade. Linking back to articles will also help you establish connections with blog authors, who could provide recommendations for you. And you don’t have to just advertise others–link to your own website whenever you have content to offer and increase your website’s search engine optimization (SEO). Examples are to announce news of sales and contests, with links to your website.
3. Business quotes
With the 140-character limit on Twitter, it can be hard to express yourself adequately. However, there are those who can and you can learn. Sharing quotes helps you to convey the image that you are well-read in the area of your craft, and are insightful enough to post the right quote to sum it all up. These quotes can come from other entrepreneurs, or from the latest business book you read. The most important thing is to give credit where it is due.
4. Practical tips for aspiring entrepreneurs
Some of the most-followed entrepreneurs on Twitter are the ones who are reaching out and sharing what they know. Set a regular schedule of documenting tips that you’ve learned in the course of your business life that may be of interest for those who want to follow in your footsteps. This opens up your audience to include those who are not necessarily potential customers, but also are curious because of the way you give advice. And can sometimes lead to joint projects with other companies like yours.
5. Business lessons
When you’ve hit a snag in your operations, you want to go through the best ways to handle this. Share your experiences with your readers–be candid about what you’ve been through and what lessons you’ve learned. Others in the Twitter community can relate better to you.
6. Reader interactions
The most powerful weapon of Twitter is the ability to engage in conversation with theoretically anyone. For celebrities, this is how many are able to connect with fans. The same goes for entrepreneurs. Get to know your audience by reading replies, and getting back to them if they have questions. Sometimes, readers could have raised interesting points in relation to your post, and you’ll want to follow that up. This allows your readers to feel valued and increases their loyalty, in addition to establishing you as an authority in your field.
7. Fun facts and trivia
All your tweets don’t necessarily have to be related to work. Tweet about your hobbies and funny stuff like office pranks. Tweet about business theories from reputable business personalities. This is something that can humanize you to your readers by revealing that you have equal parts work and play in your life. Strike up conversations about the latest superhero movie, or how the entire team at the company went and got matching haircuts.
8. Eye-catching random stuff
Spotted a great billboard? Heard an inspiring story? Tweet it even if it has nothing to do with work. Connect with your audience by talking about how they felt about the post.
The key to Tweeting for entrepreneurs is viewing Twitter not as a marketing tool, but as, first and foremost, a social tool. Be a friend to your customers. Be fun and interesting. Get you readers invested in who you are, and get them to follow you.
What do you think entrepreneurs should tweet about? What do you tweet about for business? Any successes? Failures? Comment below!
Author Bio: Celina Conner is an advanced Yoga practitioner, she finished her Diploma in Business Administration in Martin College Australia as a Cum Laude. She’s also a caring mother to her one and only daughter, Krizia. Celina loves experimenting in the kitchen and preparing unique vegetarian recipes.